Summer Fit Activities in 2021

The 2021 school year is in session, but now is the time to start organizing your summer learning and workbook program. With all the options available today, deciding what summer workbook series to use can be a challenge. Add to it the vast amount of online programs and wide range of costs and you can easily become overwhelmed.

Start by deciding what you want to accomplish with your summer program by asking yourself some basic questions:

  1. Do I want it to be inter-disciplinary or single-subject-based?

  2. Do I want to maintain academic achievement levels or introduce new concepts?

  3. Do I want it to be online or traditional learning?

  4. Do I want a measurement tool?

  5. What is my budget?

  6. What’s my desired level of parent involvement?

  7. Are parents responsible to purchase?



Use funds from PTA programs, After-School Alliance, 21st Century and Title I (extended year learning/parent involvement) to purchase and implement school-wide programs.

Summer School

Supplement summer school programs as brain breaks, extension activities and school-home connections.

Parent Purchase

Offer to parents using our Summer Fit Kit and/or sending flyers home with students. Work directly with Summer Fit Activities to fulfill school orders that you collect, use your favorite local educational supply store, bookstore or independent provider, or direct parents to our online store to order themselves.
