
Do you know that only one in three children is physically active every day? The average 8-10 year old in the U.S. spends around eight hours per day in front of a screen? And children gain more weight during the summer than during the school year?

Many children do not have a fit lifestyle, but the good news is, fitness is easier to achieve than you may think. It’s all about family habits, like being physically active and eating nutritious foods on a daily basis.

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 Physical Activity


Our bodies are designed to move, and they need to move every day. Physical activity has a positive impact on every aspect of life. It reduces feelings of stress and anxiety, increases self-esteem and academic achievement, boosts energy levels, improves sleep, and builds healthy bones, muscles, and joints.

With Summer Fit Activities, your child has given Daily Exercises-like capture the flag, sky reaches, and happy feet-four days of the week. The Daily Exercises are a mix of aerobic, strength, flexibility, and sports activities based on grade level and ability. Your child’s workbook has instructions for all the exercises, and you can find demonstrations online. On the fifth day of the week, your child completes an active play assignment. They get to choose or create an active game or sports activity to play for 60 minutes.

You do not have to go to the gym or run races to be fit, you just need to move. Summer Fit Activities get you and your child moving, helping you make daily physical activity a part of your family’s lifestyle.